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The First Encounter

             The new semester started, the new meetings happened. I, Connie, Fate and Almo seemed to be in the same class. Because there was only 1 Language Class. The fact that we were happened to have our own reasons why we choose Language Department instead of Science Department and Social Department mixed up with a common sense of thinking that us, the people of Language Department lacked of brain. People might think that we were the outcome of failure from our first grade. Of course it might be true. Even so, there were people who weren’t supposed to be classified that way, and might not accept that kind of reason.

            There were 31 people of Language Department members. Only one male and the rest were female. From what i know, this guy might really showed the face that the reason why he wouldn’t want to meet Physics and Economy, just like Connie. About the thirty, we did have our own ability and disability. I might not look like smart at sports, but I did. I could say i almost mastered every subject of sports, and almost all of my friends were in awe when looked at me doing sports, especially when it came to basketball. Though I might be exaggerating things, or may be arrogant, I did have the ability to play well. I was still classified as rough player because I never learn basketball from book. I only mastered it from looking and practicing.

And about my disabilities, there were a lot, more than my abilities. I was crybaby, emotional, bad with people surrounding too much, not good at Chemistry, and many more. But the fact that my heart was fragile was the most troublesome weak point. It could affect my daily life, my grades, and my mental health. I never recognize this weakness of mine that caused so many troubles. Yes, before i met them, the ones who could be called friends.

“Oh yes! I’ve got some guts!”
“What are you talking about?” Geez Isla.”
“Wha....? Did I just slip it out?”
“Definitely, you were! Where is your mind?”
“Uhh...  hehehe, don’t be so angry, Connie.”
“Nope, it’s nothing”

            After that, Connie turned her head elsewhere. She was looking for the nice spot to follow the lesson. As for me, as long as she was seated together with me, there was no big deal. Because I knew she wouldn’t pick the first nor second seat from the front. After some time, there she was, placing herself in an empty seat, 2 from back. I guessed that wouldn’t be a bother.

“What? Stop grinning like that...”
“Buut... I can’t help it!” I ended up showing my teeth to her.
“Whatever weirdo!” She said.
“And that’s why you are willing to be together with me.”
“You’ve got the point.”

            So then we were talking, spent the time together, waiting for the teacher to come. A lot of my classmates were doing the same thing. But there were also crowds waiting outside, and I guessed they were guardians for us. Actually, waiting outside was a violation of the rules. Yet I didn’t bother myself to tell them to wait inside the classroom. Neither was Connie. I told Connie some jokes. She seemed to enjoy it, although she didn’t show it. I was the one who laughed at my own jokes. Not that bad, because both of us were enjoying it.

“So, I forgot my English book today.”
“What were you doing yesterday?! Did you give the schedule?”
“Hmm... nope, not yet.”
“And how could you possibly know today’s lessons?!”
“Well, one day before, I asked my sister.”
“Huh... you’re ridiculous.”
“At least I still have you and my little sister. But I’m afraid that she hasn’t have the schedule for tomorrow and the rest.”
“Oh my God, how could I stand with the likes of you?!”
“Dunno, we just accidentally ended up this way. Or do you want to exchange seat with someone else, ora maybe.... sit by yourself?”
“Nope, I refuse. It will be troublesome if I get sleepy.”
“Hmm... I’ve got a hunch that I can count on you, in many ways.”
“What’s with this topic again? Goodness, Isla.”
“At least I can make you stay awake?”
“I’ll punch you right on your face.”
“Just do it, don’t you?”

            So then she took a slow portion of movement of her clenching fist. So did I, do the same way by twisting my head sluggishly. Soon afterward, I floated myself backward, seize her piece of clothes, and fell back, almost.

“Don’t just grasp my clothes so sudden!”
“Ha! And you’re the one who started the event!”
“You’re the one who triggered the event!”
And you’re the one who took the bait! Just blame yourself!”
“And what would you do if we were to be fallen from the chair?!”
“Rubbed my back and then... laughed? That would be realistic.”

            Then a sudden laugh made me aware of surrounding areas. That was the voice of a pretty girl sat in front of my desk. She didn’t hesitate to laugh freely, unlike Connie. And there was a girl beside her. And thus, the first encounter began.

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