My Pages

Story List

A. Here are the list of my life story : 


1) High School

1. Chapter 1 : The New Person
2. Chapter 2. The First Encounter 

2) After High School Graduation

B. Here are the list of my writing (fiction) story :

1. Short Story : The Meaning of Love
2. Short Story : Library
3. Short Story : Ascend Leaf
4. Hantu Hutan

C. Jumbled stories :

The list of all story are from the reality and from my imagination, both tell us about how someone faces the world, and in the end always something we can learn from the story, whether it is a moral value, shocking ending, fluttering feelings, sad ending, and many other life subjects!

So please enjoy my writing story list, and i suggest you to read it all until the end, and if you just take a look about the title, it's okay, as long as i can blog to this site and write something.

I don't care about how others telling me to stop chasing my dreams. Actually, there are lots of things that i want to achieve in the future, but there are also many obstacles on my way. I believe that if I keep it steady and working into it, i can achieve my goals, not only the current goals, but also the future goals!

So for the parting, I'd say, "this is not a parting, there are lots of thorns and things that are painful. And please, keep believing on what you chase after! Don't be easily give up because others telling you to stop dreaming, because we, the Dare Dreamers, NOT Day Dreamers! We struggle for what we deserve! There’s no luck in accepting great things! We work for it! They just don't see nor don’t want to know how hard we work for it! We do it every day, gradually, and with patience! And after you realize our words, the Dare Dreamers, you will be left far behind us! Don’t be jealous, because we deserve what we are aiming for. You understand!”

For the last, maybe my English doesn’t fit with the right grammar. I know, and I’m fully aware of it. And plus, I’m still a learner, quite busy with my study and extras alone, so there are possibilities that I won’t be able to update my writing every month, but I’ll try hard to catch up with the date. Farewell.

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