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Short Story : Library

Library... A story about little books

A great building with so many books inside.
Waiting for someone to read it. unfortunately, not many humans read it.
Such a great time for them to waiting...

Only one page they wished to read...
But no one read it. How was that feeling?
A big wonder left in their mind, for only a wish.
Waiting, and waiting, hoped someone had the will to read one of them...

At that timeline, 
Minutes passed, hours passed...
Day by day, the books became old and faded.
But they never did get the feeling of discouraged.
Until that day...

A male human came to the library.
Not only as visitor, but also a reader.
A book picked by the right hand of his hand.
Slowly it came close to the eye's of the man.

By the hand tried to open it, and the other books felt happy, even if that wasn't them.
The page of the book was crying happily...
Not a single tear, so much tears fell from the pages...
The man panicked and came close to the librarian.

It's only the man's imagination.
<...Stand still...>
How come it happened?

He really worried about the book, so he borrowed the book from the library.
A little happines appeared from bottom of the book's heart.
Slight burden decreased, as a light came in darkness.
A warm feeling...

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