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The 81th Milad of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah in Purworejo

In Sunday, May 27th of 2018 N.A. held discussion about women’s study of Islam. It is being held at SD Muhamadiyah Purworejo (old building). This event is being held that day to give study of womanhood of muslim. The main speaker there is Mrs Menik Widiyawati, as well as the leader of N.A. in Purworejo regency.

There were 5 main agendas that day; those were opening, singing N.A. March, Al-Quran’s reading, main theme, and last is learning how to knit something basic. The first activity is to open the activity by reading basmallah together. Later, everyone is asked to sing Nasyiatul Aisyiyah’s March together. The next activity is about reading certain Al-Quran’s writing as well as its meaning. This being done so all of us will get more understanding about what the Quran’s reader is trying to say.

Right after reading Al-Quran, the speech is continued by Mrs. Menik’s speech about the history of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah’s history and why Nasyiatul Aisyiyah was being made. The concentration of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah is being focused on women and children. The aspects here include religion and social activities. There we learned something like how children is supposed to give nutrition, the importance of having a planned pregnancy so the child will grow well, and also how to be independent although women can be dependent to their own husband later.

Beside things writer mentioned above, we all also being informed about muslim’s book and some of its contents; like the right tauhid, difference of mukmin, muslim, muttaqqin and mukhsin, things that we should avoid and understand, not to be a show-off person.

In the next session, we are asked to make basic-hand-craft knitting. This session is the most interesting activity to all participants. This lesson is being taught by Miss Niken and Miss Dewi. They both only give basic pattern like chain, and how to make flowers. Our main goals are to be able to create flowers, but people ended up making something simpler like bracelet or necklace.
At last session, all participants are being asked to write something like impression and information to be better next time. All participants write it. In the last, the door prize is given to six lucky people who asked in question-answer session.

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