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Jatimalang Beach

Jatimalang Beach is one of Beaches in Purworejo Regency and becomes the mainstay as well as a pride for people in Jatimalang. This beach takes place in Jatimalang village, Purwodadi Sub-district, Purworejo. It's only about 17 kms from the main City and about 60 kms from Yogyakarta City. Therefore, it's easy for tourists to get there.This place is originally made for people who lives as fisherman, but the villagers know already that Jatimalang Beach has potential as tourist attraction. No wonder people from other region started to visit Jatimalang Beach. The infrastructure there has been developing in order to attract tourists. The most well-known attraction is its colorful freshwater near to the beach. Also, the sunshine and the sunset is very pretty and fascinating.

Besides that, history said that Jatimalang Beach was also used as a dock Japanese vessel transporting Japanese armies in 1942. This is based on its strategic location close with village and its quiet situation. Up until now there's no specific information delivering information about the actual history behind its form.

If you want to visit, it's very cheap compared with entering a national places such as Monas. There are some facilities included here; such as bathroom, freshwater washing room, and also hotels near the beach. If you think you're too tired from walking, you can also rent ATV for twenty thousand rupiahs, for 15 mins usage. There's also restaurant which sells seafood with fish freshly caught there! So what are you waiting for? Let's get there!


  1. I love coming to this beach because of many seafood 😋🦐🦀🐟🐙


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