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In 1850, there lived a man who ran weaponry industry. He was Henry Lawrence. He befriended with Joseph Kennedy since 16 years old. Both of them were running the same industry and had been working under one same roof. They had developed well within 5 years, and it was because they had been helping with each other's back. Soon they grew within their own families, and Joseph decided to make his own small weaponry shop. As soon after Joseph made his shop, Henry had his first son. 3 years later, Joseph had his first and only one daughter. His wife couldn’t grant another child since it endangered his wife. Joseph couldn’t afford to lose his first love; so he wouldn’t do anything harmful.

Both Henry and Joseph had dream about this craftsmanship; they want to be the best in the city. Though, Joseph’s was purer than Henry’s.

Both of the families became friends by Henry and Joseph’s friendship; and so their children. Raymond Lawrence and Shirley Kennedy became friends easily. They had been introduced to each other when Raymond was 8 years old. Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Kennedy too became friends.

In one clear day, Lawrence’s family came to visit his best friend’s. He brought all of his family members since it was not often they could visit with one full family.

“Welcome, Lawrence. Also, hi Mrs. Lawrence and small Lawrence.”
“Thanks Josh, we came to play, don’t we Raymond?”
“Yes father, and mother too. We’ve come to play. Where’s Shirley?”
“She’s inside playing her dolls with her mother. You may go there.”
“Thanks Mr. Kennedy! I’ll go right there!”
“Sure, careful with the ladder.”

Joseph ran towards the direction of Shirley’s room. He stumbled upon running too fast.
“I told you so.” Said Mr. Kennedy.
“I’ll be careful from now on!”

After finding Shirley’s room, Joseph slowly shorten the distance between his bodies to the doorknob. He knocked the door with a light gesture.
“Come in.” said Mrs. Kennedy.
“Excuse me.” 

Upon entering the door, he saw brunette lady and her resemblance. He bowed once to the lady and caught himself absorbed within the magnetic pressure around the smaller brunette. They embraced each other.

“I’m glad to see you so soon! How’s your day, Raymond?”
“It’s been hard; my father is strict but to be able to see you ease my mind.”
“You’re welcome then.”
“Anyway, I’ll come downstairs and get some cookies. What would you want to eat, Raymond?”
“Anything is fine, Mrs. Kennedy.”

And so Mrs. Kennedy went downstairs to prepare some cookies and drinks. There, she met Mrs. Lawrence.

In the other hand, Mr. Kennedy had been showing his small shop to his best friend.

“This is Allen & Wheelock which is recently found in United States, I bought this one from my trusted man. I bet you know this too, mate.” Told Mr. Kennedy.
“Whoa Joshie, that’s amazing!”
“Thanks, you asked me to show my recent collection didn’t you? This is my best collection so far.”
“So what’s your plan? I bet you have one.”
“I do, after getting this recent child, I want to make one myself.”
“I thought so, you never change.”
“So yourself.”
“No one knows you better than me.”

Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Kennedy were in the kitchen. They were both talking about how the bread and sugar’s price had been rising recently. It was a tough day for the lady.

“That’s correct. I can’t think about only to serve Josh with bitter coffee every day. He has sweet tongue, after all.”
“I’m envious of you though, my husband doesn’t like sweet things. He doesn’t like sweet words either. Even though in our first meeting he was such a sweet guy, I wonder what’s happen during work.”
“Probably he has been stressed out?”
“Oww… that might be, he had been sighing all days. And it’s bad for Raymond’s growth if he keeps sighing all days for years. I don’t want my great son grows to be a bad guy.”
“You can ease his mind by simply giving him small cups of tea, it will do.”
“Really? Thanks honey.”
“You’re welco-“


There was clearly a gunshot in Joseph’s workshop. It was so loud that 1 mile away you could hear it. Also, the sound of glasses scattered away was able to be heard. The house residents and the guests were confused.
In the other side, the 12 years old Raymond talked with Shirley in a cool tone. He told her to stay still before Raymond called.

“What happened he-“
“No! This can’t be! What did you do to my husband?!”

Joseph was soaked in blood. He had been shot right on his heart. Henry was holding onto his friend’s warm hand. It seemed that he lost his cool, and he didn't hide his cry.

“I’m sorry Grace. He can’t be helped anymore. Someone shot him outside when we were talking about his collections.”
“Oh my lord…”
“Dear mother, what happened here?”
“You shouldn’t look.”
“Oh God…”

Even though he was scared of it, he couldn’t tear his eyes elsewhere. Seeing pool of blood, the unconscious body of his father’s friend, and the scattered glass there made him so sure about this killing. Especially he knew about one of his friend’s father collection was also disappeared.


  1. Tragic. However, I like the way you set the characters. Is it based on a history or inspired by one?

    1. It's historical fiction, I always liked classic; whether it's musics or storie like this one. It's original fiction.. unfortunately.

  2. So, who's the one who shot Joseph? I'm still confused... Waiting for the next chap ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ


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