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The Day Of The Confession

In one clear day, I was about to leave rhythm City. Most people didn’t know who I am. But then, someone called me from behind.

“Aira, there you are!” Storm said.

“Hey Storm, what makes you want to see me?”

“Well, there’s been something I want to tell you. Can you please go with me for a bit?”

“No, I’m kind of tired after dancing. You know that I dance a lot.”

“Just please, I’ve been looking for you for a whole week! Can you please listen to what I’m about to say?”

“Okay, I’ll follow you.”


After giving up upon his request, I followed him into a small alley. After he saw nobody was around, he stopped, and looked into my eyes.

“So, what business you have for me?” I asked straightforwardly.

“I know this is sudden but, please be my dance partner!”

“Yes yes, WHAT? I’m sorry but, what did you say?”

“Like I said, I want you to be my dance partner.”

“Is that some sort of joke?”

“Do you think someone who has been looking for you for a week supposed to be joking about it?” His tone was dead serious. I couldn’t look him at his eyes.

“I suppose not. But that was… just, so sudden.”

“So, what’s your answer to my proposal?”

I wonder how many girls you have confessed, Storm.


I had a small pause before answering his question. Then I tried to say it without feeling hesitant.

“I’m sorry; I can’t accept your proposal.”

“…Huh, why would you do that? I know the fact that you aren’t seeing anyone anymore.”

“You’ve got me wrong, Storm. It’s not like that.”

“Give me the reason why, unless you can’t tell me about it.”

 “No, I can’t. I don’t know what to say…”

“If that’s the case, you may not answer it right away. I’ll be waiting for your response to my question, or rather, my proposal.”

“Thanks, I need to go now. My head is getting hurt.”

“Want me to accompany you to leave this city?”

“No thanks, I know you’re a busy person. Your friends may have been waiting for you in district 69. Just go for them.”

I left him behind. I could see his face was worried about something. That might be because I wouldn’t change my mind, rather than worrying about me in pain. But I did wonder about the reason why he asked me out to be his dance partner. Whatever, I needed to go to my city.


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