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The Day of The Halloween

Fionn came to our house to accompany me because I was late; it was already 09.30 in the nighttime. After few minutes of walk, we arrived at his place. But I was taken aback by his house.

“What the hell is wrong with the house decoration?” My voice was angry.
“Umm… How will I say this, this is Trevor’s idea!”
“For what purpose you decorate your house looking like this?”
For Halloween purpose, he said.”
“Got it, I’m leaving.”

Just before I got to walk away, Fionn’s hand held my wrist. His hand pulled mine so strong that I felt pain rushed into my hand.
                “You’re hurting me.”
                “I’m sorry! I did it unconsciously!” Fionn said this as he let go of my hand.
                “You know that I hate things like these, don’t you?”
                “But it’s Halloween! We’ve got to celebrate it!”
                “Did he know I hate something scary?”
                “No, he didn’t. It’s just me.”
                “Fine, I’ll tag along.”

I knew something was fishy. Trevor was the culprit behind the scheme. He might have known that I hated scary-related-stuffs, including stories. Fionn was only helping out because it really was almost Halloween’s day. At least, that was what I believed.

As I entered the house, I felt goose bumps. The house didn’t have enough light. I could see some scary dolls and ghastly paintings placed all around the house. There were mini figure of zombies and graveyards. Ugly looking face of pumpkins were literally everywhere. Their efforts were so good I started to feel sick just by looking at them.

                “I’m back.” Fionn said.
                “Hey everyone.” I added.
                “What took you so long? It’s almost 10 in the night time.” Ayy grew impatient.
“No worries, the later she comes, the better the party will be!” Trevor exclaimed. I had a bad feeling about Trevor’s sly smile.
“But Dion will be worried about me! I don’t like arguing with him, you know!” Ayy pushed Trevor’s exclamation.
“Come on, it’s just she was being a bit late!” Trevor didn’t feel backing down either.

For some reason I felt glad instead of feeling guilty by Ayy’s words.

“H-how about we have cup of coffee now? Or tea?” As he said this, Fionn seemed that he was worried about something. Like a big fight would lit between those two with no stopping it.
            “I prefer tea; it is originally tea party, right?” I tried to get along with Fionn.
“Alright! Let’s get started with the party!” Trevor didn’t seem to worry about a thing. He was drinking a cup of coffee in a hurry.
“Better you didn’t vomit drinking like that.”
“Cut it out, Ayy. It’s my drinking style in drinking party!”
“This is only tea party, you know.”
“Stop right there. Don’t make fuss wherever you guys are together. This is a party, you two should behave!” I glared angrily at them.
             “Okay Ma’am, we’re sorry…”

At first, Trevor started the conversation with his usual speech. But it didn’t stay long; he distorted our evening-tea-party into Halloween party.
“As you guys have known, that abandoned tree has its mystical power. Everyone believes that it would be best not to play around the tree in the town hall. From what I’ve heard, a young woman was having affair with her landlord. The landlord was in love with the girl too. But their status made their relationship impossible to be shown in public. So they secretly met under the big tree every night, to shower their love to each other. Until that day, people started to know the fact; the fact that they have been seeing each other.” Trevor was full of himself. He looked so serious and I had more bad feeling about it.

“Then the guy moved away while the girl was sentenced to death just ahead of their rendezvous spot. The end.” Ayy added this abruptly.

“Sure. But there’s a rumor that her soul didn’t rest in peace. Her soul was wandering around the trees; waiting for her beloved. So she will bother everyone near the tree, to ask whether they know where this guy is.” As he narrated this, his face looked so awfully annoying.

“It’s a story everyone knows already, Trevor. Why are you telling us this?” I tried to play it cool. But he didn’t feel down about it.

“It’s just the beginning, Alison. You know I have lots of stories to tell when it comes to Halloween. And the day just started.”

“So you have other stories to tell right?” Fionn tried to emerge into the conversation.

“Alright, so this is the other story. You know that we aren’t allowed to go to Dance School in this city right? There’s actually something happened in the night of October. That day, a group of people was trying to have a courage test at school. Everyone was very enthusiastic to do it. The rules are simple, two people have to go to fixed places and go back to the starting line. But one of them was not into something scary. To make it worse, she had to go the last run of all groups. Her partner was a careless girl; she didn’t actually feel scared of things like that.” Trevor was so into it that I came to spill my thought.

“Can you make it short?”  I abruptly said.

“What is it Alison, are you by any chance scared of this kind of story?” He was clearly teasing me with his tone, and yet I felt like talking back to him.

“Do-don’t get me wrong Trevor, I just think that Ayy would want to go home quickly because Dion will be worried about her!”

“Actually I want him to tell me about it now, I haven’t heard this one.”

“B-but you said that Dion may get mad at you.” My voice was shaking, as if I told them that I hated the idea of scary stories.

“See? Even Ayy now is on my side. You really are a coward.” His tone was mocking me, I didn’t like that.

“So what? I just can’t help it.”

“Come on Alison, you’ve got to know about this one. You may learn something from this.” Fionn was annoyingly supportive about this.

“As if. I’m the smartest amongst all you guys. There’s nothing new to learn.” I would usually appreciate something new, but I despised the conversation.

“Looks like that I need to continue with the story, to get to see your reaction.”

Damn it. Now everyone knew the fact that I hate scary stories.

“Don’t waste my time Trevor, Dion is waiting for me.”

“All right, when it came into the last group, the scared girl was walking side by side with the cheerful girl. Let’s call the scared girl by girl A and the cheerful girl by girl B. At first they didn’t meet anything strange. It was just an ordinary wind and all. Until, the A girl wanted to use the restroom.   This B girl was being left alone in front of the restroom. While she was alone, she could hear something strange calling her out. It was actually her friends who had the part of being the ghost.”

“Let’s stop for now. I don’t like it.”

“But the important part is right after that, you reaally need to know this.” Trevor added.

Who’s there? She asked. But nobody answered. She wondered who that was, so she went for it.”

I could feel my chest was tightened. My hands were sweating too. I gulped hard to myself.

                “She walked carefully, while trying to call who was making such noise. She kept asking, who is there? But of course there would be nobody answering. When she was close to the window of 6th floor, she saw something outside. It was, enchanting. She was charmed, and unconsciously, she opened the window to look for it. She was there, quite long, just to see that something. But you know what? The girl A was looking for girl B. when she finally found her friend, with a scared tone; she finally said ‘finally I found you’. The girl B was surprised by this, and, she fell outside from the window.”
                “That doesn’t make sense though. What was that thing?”Fionn asked out of curiosity.
                “That may just a pair of birds flying outside.” Ayy tried to be logic.
                “I wonder too, who knows. But of course, the girl B, who fell from the window died in the moment her body hit the ground. While, in the other hand, her friend was in shock, seeing her partner fell outside. She couldn’t say anything. She felt guilty, so much that she cried in her place. When her other friends found her, she said sorry many times without saying anything.”

                “What’s scary about this story again?” Ayy then asked Trevor this.

                “This is the starting of the event. After finding the dead body of hers, those groups ended the courage test. They were scared of facing the consequences, so they decided to take care of the body, by throwing it away in an abandoned well. Luckily, this girl has no family or relatives around. Nobody knows about this accident. It had been a peaceful days. No test of courage, either. But her soul couldn’t rest peacefully. Every night, around the school well, a voice could be heard, saying ‘why nobody looks for me?’ or ‘why did you leave me alone?’ .Then everyone around the academy knew something had happened around the school. And every night, her ghastly voice terrors the academy.”

I couldn’t listen much and ended up trying to cover my ears. I had been, very scared of these; my eyes were watery. I wanted to escape from this humiliating situation.

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