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Kuro no Usagi

You see, I ‘m really into Face***k, up till now.

Though it’s not really often as before. It’s one of the famous Social Media in the meantime. There, I found myself immersed at how surprising my encounter with another person. I wasn’t really paying attention to their nationality, and I didn’t care anyway.

Here, I already befriend with someone named Kuro no Usagi. It was said we’ve been friend since 3 years ago. When I thought about it, Kuro in Japanese ( written like this ) means black, and Usagi ( ) also in Japanese, means Rabbit. While no ( ) is a conjunction. So, Kuro no Usagi means Black Rabbit. I didn’t know what it meant, so I teased him/her a bit. Few days passed, I just realized that this person was a girl. Though it was obvious if I were looking into her older profile photos. Actually I could tell what was her gender from how she wrote her post. Still, it would be rude if I suddenly told her that she was a girl (if I was mistaken, it would be depressing, for both of us).

But that was not the point here. Kuro ( what the others called her ) was good with drawing character, just like in the manga etc. I also could draw, but couldn’t be compared to her skill. I felt awful to be honest. We were also good at basketball, so I was soo curious about her. About basketball, I could say I had confidence more than my drawing skills.

She was a kind person. Determined with her goal, that was my first impression for her, knowing she continuously posted her drawing in the social media. I admire her drawing, since it was original (or so I thought) and much better than mine. We both love cats, yeah. It was likely the reason I followed her post, and silently stalk her, not in a bad way of course.

We were at the same age, and the same graduation year. I was a bit older than her so, she called me senpai (先輩), means Senior or something similar. By the time passed, we grew closer. She dropped the senpai thing and it felt better. Though I was sure it was near to what we called “fellowship”. Yeah, we weren’t that close since we hardly talked. But you know, I prefer this way. I was sure it would last longer, and surely...

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